Find the best free reverse image search tools?

Find the best free reverse image search tools?

The human race is a crazy breed of visuals; we get attracted to colours and beauty. With millions and billions of photos available across the web, it could be hard to find the exact images you are looking for, their originated source, and the information linked to them. Also, when there are plenty of people ready to exploit an artwork or steal the uniqueness of an image, it becomes tough for us to use images that stay unique. Images often found on search engines are stolen, duplicated, or manipulated media that can damage the reputation of a company/individual when used.

So how to find the source of an image and who owns the rights, OR the duplicates images available on other websites or profiles?

Well, there are plenty of tools free reverse image search available for us to find out the source of an image, its duplicates, and places where it is being placed. These tools can benefit anyone who has access to the internet in numerous ways.

Some of the most popular benefits are:

  • identifying the source information of an image.
  • Looking for duplicate or similar images
  • Finding out fake uploads
  • Ensuring copyright compliance
  • Searching for other sizes, dimensions, and resolutions

A few of the most used and trusted available reverse search lookup tools are:

  1. Google Image Search
  2. Bing Visual search
  3. Yahoo Image Search
  4. TinEye
  5. Yandex Reverse image search tool
  6. Picsearch
  7. Pintrest Visual Search Tool
  8. Flickr